How it works

Barn dancing is fantastic aerobic exercise for any age, and lots of fun too - just watch the smiles :-)

We use simple dances that are easy to learn - you'll be dancing in 5 minutes even if you have never danced before in your life! For our line dances, we play a selection of mostly mainstream Country Rock music with the emphasis on songs that will get your feet tapping. For Square Dances, we have more traditional music, dancers are paired off and the dances are "called" by a "caller". 


We usually run 2 or 3 sets of around 45 minutes in a typical evening, doing around 3 to 5 dances per set. Before each dance, we walk everyone through until they are comfortable with the steps, and then we dance to the music! 


The focus can be either on the more traditional square dances, in which guests dosie - do, swing their partners and shout "Yeehaa!", or more modern line dancing, which is all about movin' your feet wit' the beat :-)


Here is a typical square dance and line dance